
The item modifier and stats modifier modifies 1052 bytes
of RAM that contains mostof your character data.

This is the format of the data:
struct character

BYTE item_count 000
BYTE unknown1 001
BYTE unknown2 002
BYTE language 003
struct item 004
WORD unknown1 + 000
BYTE ext_tech_level + 002
BYTE unknown2 + 003
DWORD flags + 004
DWORD item_data1 + 008
DWORD item_data2 + 00C
DWORD item_data3 + 010
WORD slot + 014
WORD unknown3 + 016
DWORD item_data4 + 018
short 攻撃力 34C
short 精神力 34E
short 回避率 350
short HP基礎 352
short 防御力 354
short 命中率 356
short 運 358
short unknown 35A
float unknown3 35C
float unknown4 360
long レベル 364
long 経験値 368
long メセタ 36C
char 名前(1〜4文字目) 370
char 名前(5〜8文字目) 374
char 名前(9〜12文字目) 378
DWORD name_color 388
char v2_costume_number 38C
BYTE unused[15] 38D
DWORD name_color_checksum 39C
char section_id 3A0
char class 3A1
char v2_flags 3A2
char version 3A3
long v1_flags 3A4
short costume 3A8
short skin 3AA
short ???1 3AC
short ???2 3AE
short ???3 3B0
short hair_red 3B2
short hair_green 3B4
short hair_blue 3B6
float proportion_x 3B8
float proportion_y 3BC
short unknown_stuff[36] 3C0
char フォイエLv 408
char ギフォイエLv 409
char ラフォイエLv 40A
char バータLv 40B
char ギバータLv 40C
char ラバータLv 40D
char ゾンデLv 40E
char ギゾンデLv 40F
char ラゾンデLv 410
char グランツLv 411
char デバンドLv 412
char ジェルンLv 413
char ザルアLv 414
char シフタLv 415
char リューカーLv 416
char レスタLv 417
char アンティLv 418
char リバーサLv 419
char メギドLv 41A
char 未使用 41B
>> Barubary

BYTE/char = 2100
LONG = 2102

WORD/short = 2101


item_count: number of items

language: language; not affected by game language. This controls the J, E, etc. you

see in the lobby. 00=Japanese 01=English 02=German 03=French 04=Spanish

  ext_tech_level: see tech levels later.

    04: can be equipped but isn't
    10: can't be equipped
    4C: equipped now
  04 and 10 are considered the same by the game.

  item_data1: 4th changeable line of item modifier.
  item_data2: 3rd changeable line of item modifier.
  item_data3: 2nd changeable line of item modifier.

  slot: slot number in list (ignored by the game)

  item_data4: 1st changeable line of item modifier. (mags only)

HP_materials: The number of HP materials you've used. This number * 2 is added to

your level's base HP.

TP_materials: The number of TP materials you've used. This number * 2 is added to

your level's base TP.

level: Level number - 1.

name: Zero-terminated ASCII string. No Shift-JIS allowed.

name_color: Name color in ARGB format. Ver1 = FFFFFFFF, Ver2 = FFFFAE35

v2_costume_number: Used for special costumes (see v2_flags). 00 = Famitsu editor,

01 = Rico, 02 = Sonic, 03 = Knuckles, 04 = Tails, all others = Famitsu editor

name_color_checksum: Checksum of name_color. Very complicated. This is used to try

to prevent users from changing their name colors.

section_id: Section ID in usual order (sum of ASCII characters MOD 10).

class_: Class number. 00 = HUmar, 01 = HUnewearl, ..., 08 = FOnewearl

v2_flags: A set of bit flags.
  01 bit: Black section ID.
  02 bit: Invalid character class number.
  04 bit: Invalid v1_flags.
  08 bit: Invalid costume number.

  If 02, 08 or both (0A) is used, v2_costume_number happens.

v1_flags: Flags saying class, gender, race... I can't remember exactly the bits. 

But there is a chart on Ayusu already.

costume: Costume number. 00 for androids.

skin: Skin color. On androids, this is the body color.

???1-3: Face Type, Hair Type, ???. I don't remember the order.

hair_red...hair_blue: 0-255 RGB values of your hair color.

proportion_X...Y: Location of + cursor on Proportion screen. Controls character

height and width. 0.0 = top/left, 1.0 = bottom/right.

tech levels: Tech levels minus 1. FF = don't have, 00 = level 1, 01 = level 2...

  Storing levels above 15 is strange. Write level 15 (0E) to ???_level. 

Then, in the corresponding item slot, put the level minus 15 into ext_tech_level. 

For level 28 Foie, do foie_level = 0x0E and items[0].ext_tech_level = 0x0D. This is

done so that Version 1 doesn't crash seeing Version 2 with tech levels above 15.


ベースポインタ 8C4E5F84
データの大きさ 2100
操作する位置 11AC : バトル1位
11AE : バトル2位
11B0 : バトル3位
11B2 : バトル4位
11B4 : 回線切断
コード応用例 所持金変更コードの下11行を抜粋
2100D004 <データの大きさ
11AC0009 <操作する位置
8C4E5F84 <ベースポインタ
00000032 <勝率の指定
